Please tent:
- For ordinar ye maun mak a compleent 'ithin ae year o the incident ye'r mismuived aboot.
- For common, the shuiner ye mak yer compleent, the better. Some evident coud get tint in the coorse o time.
- The Polis Ombudsman can howk intae compleents aboot incidents that happent mair nor a year afore bein reportit tae's gin she conseeders the quaistens involved tae be wechty or byordinar.
- For ordinar, we can anely investigate gin ye war involved or affectit by the incident yersel, or ar actin on behauf o a body that wis.
- We'll mebbe hae tae skare yer wittins wi ither pairties, baith while leukin intae yer compleent an for tae obtemper wi oor statutor obligations. Mair wittins aboot whan we micht skare yer wittins is conteened in oor Preevacy Notice.