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The Commission for Victims and Survivors for Northern Ireland represents the needs and interests of victims and survivors at the highest levels of government and throughout society.

The Commission makes space for unfinished legacy issues, for which victims and survivors seek truth, justice and accountability and works to make sure they are seen, supported and strengthened in our changing society.

The Department of Justice has responsibility for a range of devolved policing and justice functions. It provides resources and a legislative framework for a number of 'arms length bodies' including the Police Ombudsman's Office.

The Equality Commission For Northern Ireland is a non departmental public body established by the Northern Ireland Act 1998. Its powers and duties derive from a number of statutes which have been enacted over the last decades, providing protection against discrimination on the grounds of age, disability, race, religion and political opinion, sex and sexual orientation. The Commission also has responsibilities in respect of the statutory equality and good relations duties which apply to public authorities.

The Garda Ombudsman deals with matters involving possible misconduct by members of the Garda Síochána, the Irish police service, in an efficient, effective and fair manner.

The Independent Commission for Reconciliation and Information Recovery was established in December 2023 to provide information to families, victims and survivors of Troubles/Conflict-related deaths and serious injury and promote reconciliation.

The IOPC is the police complaints watchdog for England and Wales. and is completely independent of the police. The Office investigates the most serious complaints and conduct matters involving the police, and sets the standards by which the police should handle complaints.

The Northern Ireland Office is responsible for overseeing the Northern Ireland devolution settlement and representing Northern Ireland interests at UK government level and UK government interests in Northern Ireland.

The Northern Ireland Policing Board is an independent public body made up of 10 political and 9 independent members established to ensure for all the people of Northern Ireland an effective, efficient, impartial, representative and accountable police service which will secure the confidence of the whole community, by reducing crime and the fear of crime. 

The Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman (NIPSO) investigates unresolved complaints about public bodies in Northern Ireland, without involving the courts. The Ombudsman's investigations check to see if a public body acted properly or whether someone was treated unfairly.  

The Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman is also the Local Government Commissioner for Standards and the Northern Ireland Judicial Appointments Ombudsman.

The Police Investigations and Review Commissioner  independently investigate incidents involving policing bodies in Scotland.

The Police Service of Northern Ireland provides policing services across Northern Ireland.