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Complainant Satisfaction Survey

The Complainant Satisfaction Survey allows people who bring complaints to the Police Ombudsman’s Office to express their views on the service they received.

Main Findings

  • In 2023/24, the majority of complainants said they had spoken to a member of staff and of these; over eight out of ten felt that they were treated with respect, almost two thirds thought they had been treated fairly, just under four fifths thought staff were easy to understand and just over two thirds felt staff were knowledgeable.
  • During 2023/24, complainants were more satisfied with the length of time taken to reply after initially making their complaint, how clearly the process was explained and the clarity of correspondence than they were for other aspects of the process.
  • Just under half of complainants reported that they understood the reason we gave for reaching the final decision about their complaint, and of these, over three quarters accepted this decision.
  • Just under half of complainants thought that the Office dealt with their complaint independently (i.e. free from the influence of others).
  • In 2023/24, just over half of complainants said they would contact the Office again if they had a new complaint.

Full report: 'Annual Report on Complainant Satisfaction with services provided by the Police Ombudsman's Office in Northern Ireland, 2023/24'

Accompanying Spreadsheet

The next Complainant Satisfaction Report will be published in June 2025.

Latest Publications from the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland - Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland