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Publication Scheme

Type of Information Where to find it
How to complain about the police

You can find more information in the 'Making a complaint' section on this website.

Can your complaint be resolved without investigation? Yes. It may be possible to deal with your complaint using informal resolution which is a quicker way to deal with less serious complaints without investigation. 
What service can you expect from this Office if you are a police officer? You will find information about the service you can expect if you are a police officer in the 'Information for Police Officers' section of the website.
Is there information on how to make a complaint available for those who do not speak English? Yes, information about how to make a complaint, as well as online forms for doing so, are available in a range of languages. You can choose a language in which to make a complaint on our home page.
Information, statistics and research about the complaints we receive Our Statistics and Research section on the website provides information about the number and type of complaints we receive, together with other statistical and research information including our quarterly and annual statistical bulletins.
The outcomes of our complaints and Investigations Legislation allows the Police Ombudsman to make available some details of selected complaint investigations. We publish our investigation reports on our website.
General information about the Office

You will find a range of general information about the Office in the 'what we do' section of our website and in our 'publications' section where documents like our Annual Reports are published and give a general view of our work on a yearly basis. 

Our roles and responsibilities

You will find information about our roles and responsibilities, including our vision and values, our corporate governance, history and senior staff in the about us section of our website.

The laws governing what we do We publish a list of the Acts, Orders in Council, Statutory Rules and Statutory Instruments which govern the work of the Office in our 'legislation' section.
The objectives and targets set by the Police Ombudsman's Office Information about our objectives and targets is contained in our annual business plans and annual reports which are available in our 'publications' section.
Our policies and procedures The Police Ombudsman's main policies and procedures are available in our 'publications' section. Other policies and procedures may be available on request. 


What do I do if I can’t find the information I am looking for?

If you have examined our publications scheme and cannot find the material you are looking for, please go to our Access to Information page for further details on how to request the information you are looking for.