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Staff cleared following investigation

Published Date: 17 August 2006

A number of Police Ombudsman staff who had been the subject of a Police investigation have been cleared.

The Police Ombudsman, Mrs Nuala O'Loan, has said the police investigation into criminal allegations against several members of her staff has found no evidence of wrongdoing.

A member of the Police Ombudsman staff, who had been under suspension, made criminal allegations against four of his colleagues and a former member of staff at the Office.

The allegations centred on matters relating to a court case arising from the discharge of a police weapon in Newtownabbey in June 2001.

Mrs O'Loan said that while she had full confidence in those members of her staff under investigation, she is pleased that an independent investigation has found no substance to those allegations:

"It has been a difficult time for those members of my staff who had these false accusations made against them," she said.

Mrs O'Loan said the member of staff who made the allegations remains under suspension.
