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Seven arrested in Hamill case

Published Date: 10 April 2001

The Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland, Mrs Nuala O’Loan, is continuing to direct and supervise the investigation of matters arising from the death of Robert Hamill. Seven people have been arrested this morning in connection with the investigation.

Most of this morning’s arrests took place in and around the Portadown area. They were carried out by RUC officers under the direction of Police Ombudsman personnel.

Five men and two women are now in police custody. One of those arrested is a serving police officer.

Mr Hamill died from injuries he received when a loyalist gang attack him in Portadown in April 1997.

The Police Ombudsman’s Office is supervising the RUC investigation of the police in relation to matters arising from his death.

“I have previously given a commitment to Mr Hamill’s family and to the public that I will dedicate the necessary resources to ensure that all avenues are investigated in this case and that we get at the truth. This morning’s arrests are part of that process,” explained Mrs O’Loan.


Notes to Editors.

Mrs O’Loan cannot, for legal reasons, make any further comment on the arrests or on the Hamill case.

To facilitate broadcasters and photographers, the Police Ombudsman will be available at New Cathedral Buildings to read a short statement based on this press release. She will not be in a position to take questions.

For further information please phone the Police Ombudsman Media Officer Tim Gracey.

Telephone 028 90 828604/828603.  Mobile Number: 07799 346673