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PPS announcement: Information provided by Police Ombudsman’s Office

Published Date: 21 October 2015

The Police Ombudsman’s Office recently provided an interim file to the Director of Public Prosecutions containing information gathered in one of its ongoing and complex investigations.

That investigation is examining allegations of police conduct linked to the circumstances of 24 murders attributed to the IRA's 'Internal Security Team' during the 'Troubles'.

The objectives of that investigation, which began in August 2013, include establishing the following:

  1. If a member of the RUC or agent of the RUC was culpable in the murders or in other related criminality.
  2. If police were in possession of intelligence which, if acted on, may have prevented the murders.
  3. If the police murder investigations were adversely impacted by the non dissemination of intelligence or were otherwise obstructed and.
  4. If all reasonable lines of enquiry were pursued in respect of disseminated intelligence.

The interim report to the Director served to highlight evidence and/or intelligence identified by the Police Ombudsman of potential culpability not only of police officers but also of members of other Intelligence Agencies and members of the public, in the circumstances of the murders.

As the Police Ombudsman does not have the statutory authority to investigate the conduct of persons other than members of the RUC/PSNI, the Director of has now formally referred the potential culpability of these other persons in the crimes to the Chief Constable.

The Police Ombudsman, Dr Michael Maguire, has said his investigations will remain independent of any other inquiry into these matters.