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Police Ombudsman welcomes Board recommendations

Published Date: 8 February 2002

The Police Ombudsman, Mrs Nuala O'Loan has given a broad welcome to the recommendations announced by the Policing Board yesterday following her report into the Omagh Bombing.

Mrs O'Loan said she welcomed the fact that the Board had taken on her recommendations.

"I am pleased that the Board has endorsed my recommendations in formulating their view of the way ahead. Although I have reservations, I accept that the Board proposals represent a genuine attempt to move the murder investigation forward.

"In particular, I welcome the Board's decision to implement my recommendations for a review of the functions of Special Branch. This will ensure that intelligence is properly disseminated in the future and that appropriate access is given to senior Investigators. This is very important.

The role of Her Majesty's Inspector of Constabulary in that review will ensure that it is robust. This will provide an opportunity to enhance community confidence in the police and ensure that investigations are more effective.

I welcome the Board's commitment to a full review of terrorist related murders here and to accept the policy of the Association of Chief Police Officers on how murder reviews should be conducted. These will be important developments.

I broadly welcome the Board's decision to enhance the role of the Merseyside officer in respect of the Omagh Bomb investigation and to introduce a senior officer accountable to the Board. This should move the investigation on. Those involved will need to work hard to ensure that the new arrangements work.