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Police Ombudsman outlines way forward for his Office and announces date for his retirement

Published Date: 8 September 2011

The Police Ombudsman, Al Hutchinson, has published details of an action plan to address the recommendations made by the Criminal Justice Inspectorate following the recent inspection of his Office.

The plan was presented to members of the Northern Ireland Assembly's Justice Committee today (Thursday 8 September).

Mr Hutchinson also announced to Committee members his intention to retire from his post on 1 June 2012.

"I welcomed the opportunity to brief the Committee on the steps which I will oversee in the months ahead as I address the issues identified in the CJI report," said Mr Hutchinson.

"My Office works in a difficult area, given the many issues arising from our collective past. I am confident, however, that the plan I have outlined will fully address the matters identified in the CJI report, as well as those set out in the previous report on the operational independence of my Office.

"Work has already begun on implementing that plan, which enjoys the full support of my management team.

"I am confident that together we can fully address the issues identified, and in turn enhance the service we provide on behalf of the people of Northern Ireland," said Mr Hutchinson.