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Ombudsman and Oversight Commissioner hold talks

Published Date: 5 December 2000

The Oversight Commissioner appointed to oversee the reforms of the RUC, Professor Tom Constantine, has held talks with the Police Ombudsman, Mrs Nuala O’Loan.

Professor Constantine paid a visit to the Police Ombudsman’s headquarters at Saint Anne’s Square in Belfast this afternoon.

After speaking with Mrs O’Loan, Professor Constantine was taken on a tour of the five-storey building and met members of the Ombudsman’s investigation team.

Afterwards, Mrs O’Loan described the visit as useful: “I think we both found the visit very worthwhile. Professor Constantine was very impressed with the scale of our operations and with the commitment evident in our staff.”

Earlier this week Mrs O’Loan held talks with the Secretary of State Peter Mandelson, during which they discussed the Police Ombudsman’s supervision of the investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death of Portadown man Robert Hamill.