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Man shot dead: Police Ombudsman investigating

Published Date: 16 April 2006

The Police Ombudsman's Office has begun an investigation after police shot a man dead in Ballynahinch this morning.

It's understood the incident happened at around half past eleven on the Church Road in the town.

The man who died had been the driver of a car which had approached a vehicle checkpoint.

A number of other people in the car have been arrested.

The name of the man who died will not be released to the public until his relatives have been informed.

The Police Ombudsman's Chief of Investigations and a team from the Office have been at the scene since lunchtime.

They are keen that anyone who was in the area at the time and who saw or heard what happened should contact them:

"We are also anxious to speak to anyone who saw the car in question - a silver BMW, Registration Number G-E-Z 7-3-9-3 - to contact us," a spokesman said.

Their telephone number is 028 90 828652.