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Helping you help others

Published Date: 25 June 2015

The Police Ombudsman’s Office has produced a short video for those who provide advice within the community.

Watch here 

The video was made with community workers and staff in advice centres particularly in mind, but should also be of value for anyone faced with giving advice about policing related problems.

The Police Ombudsman Chief Executive is Adrian McAllister:

“Independent research tells us that the vast majority of the public are aware of the Office as the place to go to for making complaints about the police.

But our work also tells us that sometimes people approach other figures in the community first to discuss their problems. This video is aimed at those figures and seeks to give some basic information which we hope will help them help others,” he said.

Mr McAllister stressed that anyone with a problem about the conduct of a police officer should go directly to the Police Ombudsman’s Office.

“But for those of us in public service, it is important that we do all we can to ensure people are not pushed from pillar to post and that they are initially directed to the organisation which can best help them.

The video helps explain that we deal with all complaints the conduct of police officers, but also sets out some of the issues with may be better raised with the Policing Board or the various Police and Community Safety Partnerships.

It also stresses the importance of telling someone who has had a disagreement with a police officer that they should secure as much information as possible and contact us as quickly as they can.”

The video last 12 minutes:

“I hope there are some people out there who will find it useful.  Ultimately, I would advise anyone with concerns to contact us directly.  We have experienced staff on hand to help and advise them.  If someone gets in touch to talk things over, they are not committed to making a complaint,” said Mr McAllister.