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Ex-officer guilty of corruption

Published Date: 11 October 2011

A former PSNI officer has pleaded guilty to perverting the course of justice following a two year investigation by the Police Ombudsman's Office.

Constable Gary Millar was arrested in March 2010 by investigators from the Office and questioned over allegations that he had forged a statement from a complainant. The complainant had previously made allegations that Constable Millar had failed to investigate an assault against him.

While looking into the allegations, investigators were handed a document by Constable Millar which he said had been signed by the complainant, stating that he was withdrawing his complaint. The complainant, however, stated that neither the statement nor the signature were his.

At Antrim Crown Court yesterday the former officer, who resigned from the force earlier this year, pleaded guilty to forging the witness statement and to perverting the course of justice. He will be sentenced in November.