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Complaints figures released for Carrickfergus area

Published Date: 4 April 2008

The Police Ombudsman's Office has released the latest figures regarding the number of complaints they have received from the Carrickfergus area.

During the period between July and September of last year the Office received 53 complaints, which was 4% of all the complaints they had received during this period.

Overall the Office received 10 complaints in the area in July, 20 in August, 8 in September, 10 in October, one in November and 4 in December.

Quite often people make a number of allegations against police officers when they make a complaint to the Police Ombudsman's Office. The 53 people who made complaints in the Carrickfergus area made a total of 93 allegations.

The majority of allegations - 55 - complained that police had failed to do their duty. This can cover issues such as police did not respond to incidents reported to them or that police failed to keep the victims of crime updated on the progress of investigations.

The second most common allegation against police in the area - 17 - during the period was of Oppressive Behaviour, which covers issues such as alleged assault. The Office received 11 allegations of impoliteness and rudeness.

Of the 93 allegations made in the Carrickfergus area during the period, 46 of them are still under investigation.

In 17 of the cases it either became clear that there was no basis for the complaint or there was no evidence to support the allegation.

In 10 of the cases the person making the allegation either refused to cooperate with investigators or withdrew their complaint.

In 7 of the cases the Office managed to informally resolve the dispute between the person making the complaint and the police officer they had complained about.