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Carryduff baby: Police Ombudsman to oversee disposal of DNA samples

Published Date: 6 June 2002

The Police Ombudsman’s Office has announced it is to offer its support to women from the Carryduff area and to the police, following the discovery of the murdered body of an infant girl in the area in March.

The Police Ombudsman, Mrs Nuala O’Loan has said that, in agreement with the Police Service of Northern Ireland, her Office will now oversee the destruction of all DNA samples given to police in this case. 
The child’s body, which had multiple stab wounds, was found in a black bin bag by children in an area known as Duck Walk in Carryduff on March 26. The police believe the body may have been there for several weeks. 
As part of their efforts to trace the baby’s mother, detectives launched a campaign to voluntarily screen women in the Carryduff area between the ages of 13 and 45 for DNA. 
While the police have given an undertaking to destroy all samples which do not relate to the child’s DNA profile, it is thought that some women have been reluctant to come forward for fear that the information may be retained for other purposes. 
Mrs O’Loan has said her Office will ensure such DNA will not be kept nor records of them entered onto any database: 
“Baby Carrie had a right to life but has been terribly murdered. I think everyone is worried about her mother. The police have said she may be a victim of circumstances beyond her control. Any mother will understand that she must be in a state of stress and confusion and need help. 
“It has been suggested that a worry about what w ill happen to their DNA sample is making some women reluctant to give their DNA sample. I have now agreed w ith the police that my investigators will now oversee the destruction of those samples w hich bear no similarities to those taken from Baby Carrie,” said Mrs O’Loan. 
For further information please contact the Police Ombudsman’s Information 
Office. Tim Gracey. Telephone 028 90 828604. Mobile: 07799346673.