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Discharge Of One Baton Round At Lawther Court, North Belfast

Incident Date: 2 April 2002

The Police Ombudsman's investigation focused on the discharge of one baton round during serious rioting - involving blast bombs, petrol bombs, fireworks, paint bombs and stones - at Lawther Court, north Belfast.

Disorder broke out when rival factions clashed in the area at 6.30pm. At 6.50pm police moved into Lawther Court (a side street off the Limestone Road) where they reported coming under heavy and sustained attack by a Loyalist crowd of some 50 to 60, and subsequently had to withdraw. At 6.57pm an officer was knocked unconscious. When another officer went to his aid rioters attempted to take his sub-machine gun, succeeding in unlocking the magazine, which fell to the ground. The magazine was recovered minus two rounds, which were not recovered. At 6.58pm permission was granted to deploy and use baton guns, and at 7.02pm a verbal public warning was issued that baton guns would be used if the violence continued. At 7.07pm one baton round was discharged at a male rioter, but missed its target. A total of 11 police officers were injured in the rioting.

Outcome of investigation:

The Police Ombudsman's Executive Director, Mr David Wood, concluded that the use of the baton round was justified and proportionate, and the authorisation and directions given by police were appropriate, proportionate and consistent with Human Rights and legislation. The baton round report was found to have been completed properly and it, along with the officer's notes and statements, were supplied promptly to the Ombudsman's office.

Resulting recommendations for police:

The Ombudsman's office made several recommendations as a result of the investigation. These were:

  • The PSNI should review its policy for the deployment of semi-automatic weapons at such incidents and put in place appropriate strategic and operational tactics for their use. The Police Ombudsman's office recognised the difficulties facing the PSNI in sending to public order incidents officers equipped with semi-automatic weapons as part of their normal duties, but said a more strategic and less ad hoc approach was needed.
  • Officers should make a written record of the timing of public warnings issued before the deployment of baton rounds, as well as of the wording used.
  • PSNI officers in supervisor roles should be reminded to contact the Police Ombudsman's On Duty Senior Investigating Officer immediately after the discharge of a baton round (the officer in charge overlooked this until contacted the following day).