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Discharge of 29 baton rounds during rioting in Ardoyne

Incident Date: 21 June 2001

Following public disorder in the Ardoyne area of Belfast the previous day (see separate report) the situation remained very tense, with groups of youths gathering in the area. Shortly after 2pm there were reports of a large crowd gathering outside the Holy Cross School and at the interface at Twaddell Avenue/Brompton Park. A serious public order situation developed, and by 3.20pm there were confrontations between rival groups armed with sticks and concrete blocks at the Crumlin Road Ardoyne shop fronts.

Between 3.52pm and 7.11pm police received reports of roads in the Ardoyne area being blocked and five vehicles having been hijacked.

By 7.30pm the situation had deteriorated further, with officers on the ground reporting that the crowd at Brompton Park and Twaddell Avenue was growing, and that sustained rioting was taking place at the Ardoyne shop fronts.

Police reported that by 7.42pm blast devices had been thrown and there were reports that military units deployed at Twaddell Avenue were being subjected to heavy stoning. Meanwhile, it was reported that a crowd of approximately 250 people was at Brompton Park, and a number of vehicles were set alight and pushed towards police and military lines.

At 8.37pm 20 petrol bombs were reported to have been thrown at police from Brompton Park. At 8.42pm authority was granted for the use of baton rounds and at 8.45pm an officer used a loudhailer to issue a verbal baton rounds warning to the crowd at Brompton Park. Ten petrol bombs were then thrown at police lines from Brompton Park and permission to discharge baton rounds at identified targets was given. Police said they were also subsequently targeted with acid bombs.

Between 8pm and 12.30am the police and military were subjected to sustained attacks from rioters at Brompton Park, Twaddell Avenue and in the area of Glenbryn Avenue. Petrol bombs, acid bombs and fireworks were thrown at all three locations. Blast bombs were thrown from Brompton Park and unexploded homemade hand grenades had to be cleared from the Ardoyne shop fronts. During the course of the night, police and military personnel sustained numerous injuries, many of which resulted in hospital treatment. Police discharged a total of 29 baton rounds during the disturbances. Ten police officers were injured: two needed hospital treatment for head injuries, the remaining eight suffered bruising.

Outcome of investigation:

The Police Ombudsman's report concluded that the use of baton rounds was fully justified and proportionate in the circumstances, and, along with other approved public order tactics, had resulted in the eventual dispersal of the hostile crowd. The authorisation and directions given were appropriate, proportionate and consistent with Human Rights and legislation. The deployment and use of baton rounds was fully in compliance with guidance issued by the Association of Chief Police Officers.

The Police Ombudsman, Mrs Nuala O'Loan, added: "It is worthy of note that Assistant Chief Constable Alan McQuillan, having given authority to use baton rounds, reviewed this decision on no less than five occasions and during the incident, when the situation allowed, withdrew this authority."

The Ombudsman's report also noted that the discharge of baton rounds was seldom captured on police evidential video recordings supplied to the Ombudsman's investigators. This was the case in this incident and had been the case in other incidents investigated by the Police Ombudsman.

Baton round reports were found to have been completed correctly and they, along with officers' notes and statements, were supplied promptly to the Ombudsman's investigators.