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Death of a patient shortly after police had removed her from a hospital psychiatric unit

Incident Date: 17 May 2001

On 17 May 2001 the police were called to a hospital psychiatric unit to remove a patient from the building. Hospital staff had requested police assistance after the patient had become abusive and had threatened other patients and staff

The patient was escorted from the building but a short time later was reported to have climbed a nearby radio mast belonging to the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service. Police and medical staff attended the scene but the woman subsequently fell to her death. The Chief Constable of the Royal Ulster Constabulary referred the incident to the Police Ombudsman's office for investigation.

The location of the psychiatric unit has not been reported in this summary to prevent further distress to the family and friends of the deceased.

Outcome of investigation:

During the investigation, Police Ombudsman investigators spoke to a number of members of staff at the psychiatric unit. They described how police had politely requested that the patient collect her belongings and indicated that they would accompany her from the premises.

A medical professional who later tried to talk the woman down from the radio mast as she threatened to kill herself, also stated that the actions of those officers who had been present at the scene had been "professional in every way, they were calm throughout and offered every assistance."

In conclusion, the Police Ombudsman, Mrs Nuala O'Loan, concluded that officers who had come into contact with the deceased "had behaved in a proper manner at all times in their dealings with her."