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Death of a 47-year-old male while in police custody

Incident Date: 25 December 2001

A 47-year-old male was found dead in a cell whilst detained in custody at a police station (we have not identified the police station in this account to avoid any further distress to friends and relatives of the deceased).

The man had been arrested earlier that morning for an alleged offence of being drunk in a public place. Police stated that the man had been found lying on a grass verge in a heavily intoxicated state, and was taken to the local police station where he could be closely supervised and monitored.

He was taken to a cell at 3.20am, placed in the recovery position and blankets placed over him. A doctor was also requested to attend to examine him. At 3.46am, whilst awaiting the arrival of the doctor, an officer went to check on him and noticed that the man was not breathing, had no pulse and that his face had turned blue.

Assistance was sought from other officers and an ambulance crew was summoned. The ambulance personnel concluded that the man had died, and this was subsequently confirmed by a doctor who pronounced life extinct at 3.58am.

Outcome of investigation:

Evidence available from the man's general practitioner revealed that the deceased had been receiving treatment for alcoholism.

During the investigation, Police Ombudsman investigators established that the deceased had, in the hours leading up to his death, purchased a litre bottle of vodka and had also received a prescription for drugs to help him overcome the effects of alcoholism. A post mortem showed that he had died from the combined effects of taking both.

Investigators also interviewed witnesses who confirmed that the officers had been patient and calm during their dealings with him.

In conclusion, David Wood, Executive Director of the Police Ombudsman's office, commented: "Officers who came into contact with the deceased behaved in a proper manner at all times in respect of their dealings with him."