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Officer disciplined after failing to attend court case

Incident Date: 30 January 2008

A PSNI officer has been disciplined after failing to attend court for a trial arising from a case she had supervised, and for being late in providing disclosure information to the Public Prosecution Service.

The judge presiding over the trial, which took place on 30 January 2008, expressed concern to the Public Prosecution Service about these issues

The PSNI was informed and on 20 March 2008 the Chief Constable referred the matter to the Police Ombudsman for independent investigation.

The Police Ombudsman's investigation established that the officer in question had been heavily pregnant at the time of the trial. She said she had informed the PPS in advance that she would not be able to attend the hearing in order to avoid any undue stress at that stage in her pregnancy. She also refused to attend when asked to do so by a senior officer.

The officer conceded, however, that she had been slow in providing disclosure information to the PPS.

PSNI officers and employees of the PPS interviewed as part of the Police Ombudsman's enquiries indicated that these failings were out-of-character for the officer in question. They stated that she was normally efficient and competent in her work.

The officer has since been disciplined in respect of these failings.